1·We apply policy to processes.
2·In addition, you can apply policy sets to WebSphere ESB exports and imports, so that standard Web service quality-of-service headers can be required of or applied to messages.
另外,可以将策略组应用于WebSphere ES b导出和导入,以便标准Web服务服务质量标题可以服务并应用于消息。
3·The same policy questions apply at the project-to-practitioner stream interface.
4·But there is a bit of a puzzle about the saving he expects to make from this controversial policy, which will apply from 2013.
5·To avoid this problem, you should apply an access intent policy that supports optimistic concurrency.
6·In other words, a policy may apply first-level filtering while route objects apply second-level filtering on all received messages.
7·The Energy Department has a policy of not commenting on companies that do not apply.
8·System administrators, who apply the rules of password policy, should ensure that passwords used are not easily determined by outsiders.
9·Allows for the association of parts of the message with policy condition names, which is used in calculating which mediation policies apply to the current message.
10·Rational policy formulation becomes increasingly difficult, as leaders become convinced that conventional economic constraints do not apply to them.